Code of Professional Conduct

The rules of professional conduct of the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company and its subsidiaries are not a law, but rather prepared to educate employees and guide them regarding the daily matters that may be exposed to inspiration during the performance of their duties and how to act on them, which can not only be done through written rules due to the multiplicity and variation of these situations but also depends on the need for employees to understand the matters that are exposed to them in the workplace or outside.
The Board has adopted and approved those rules to act upon. The Code of Professional Conduct outlines a summary of the standards of conduct that should be adhered to and applied by Employees of the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company and employees of subsidiaries as applicable to these rules too.

The members of the Board of Directors and managers working in the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company and companies.

We also believe that all consultants and all subcontractors should also adhere to these principles.

Suppliers and all other local and foreign parties if they represent the holding company or subsidiaries or carry out any business on their behalf.