Training Centers Accreditation
- ISO (9001-2015) certification
- 6 training centers in Production Companies obtained the ISO 9001-2015 certification (CEPC – EDEPC – WDEPC- MDEPC – UEEPC - HPEPC).
- 3 training centers in Distribution Companies obtained the ISO 9001-2015 certification (SCEDC – CEDC - UEEDC).
- Association of Power Utilities of Africa "APUA".
- African Network of Center of Excellence in Electricity "ANCEE".
- 2 training centers get a membership in the ANCEE (SCEDC - HPEPC).
- The Central Agency for Organization and Administration.
- 4 training centers accredited from the Central Agency for Organization and Administration (SCEDC (2 training centers) – CEDC - SDEDC)